Ron & Mary Unger, Founders of Fahrenheit10 Inc., have a combined 50+ year’s experience marketing thousands of local businesses. After starting the IBE Barter Exchange in 1991, Ron and Mary used Barter as an effective tool to market and grow businesses. Ron Unger owned several large and successful Ad Agencies & Publishing Companies in Sarasota, FL & Charlotte, North Carolina in the 70’s & 80’s.
Fahrenheit10 Inc. is a full service Ad Agency that will remain focused on continuing to bring added value to their existing IBE clients, as well as offering their degree of excellence in advertising, marketing and public relations to businesses outside of the IBE Community.
Ron and Mary believe building lasting business relationships with the IBE Community, which represents a large swath of top professional businesses on the areas Suncoast, has been a key factor to their success. IBE Barter has created 150 million dollars in Commerce over 25 years in the local community. Fahrenheit10 Inc. Accepts IBE Currency or Cash for payment on all services. Call us if you have any questions 941-955-0151. We can't wait to hear from you.
The following IBE® Barter Members have given us permission to publish their names and phone numbers so that you can contact them about their experience with the International Barter Exchange.